How do I put money into my goals?

Tap on the goal you want to put money towards, then tap on the 'Put money' in button. On the next screen are all the details you need to make goal payments from your bank. You'll find our bank account number, the particulars you need to add, and the unique reference for the goal.

Add Tempo as a registered or bill payee

To make putting money towards your goal easier and faster, add Tempo as a registered or bill payee.

Step 1

Open your online banking account.

Step 2

Go to ‘Make a payment’ or ‘Add payee’ (may differ depending on your bank).

Step 3

Search for Tempo as a registered payee.

Step 4

Enter the following details:

  • Your unique goal reference code in the reference field
  • Your last name in the particulars field

Please make sure these details are entered exactly as shown when making your payment. If not, your deposit will be auto-refunded back into your bank account.

Step 5

Match your payment details to your goal plan i.e. amount and frequency of payment.

Follow this process whether you're setting up a recurring payment or making a one-off. This will ensure our account name and number match under the Confirmation of Payee service.

To save time and make investing towards your goals easier, set a recurring payment. This ensures the amount and frequency that comes out of your bank account matches the goal plan in the app. 

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