Why can't my bank confirm Tempo as a payee?

Under the Confirmation of Payee service, your bank must confirm the account name and number of the person or organisation you want to pay matches bank records.

If you've manually added Tempo as a payee, your bank will display a warning saying our account name and number don’t match their records. You'll be able to continue with the transaction but asked to confirm you still want to make the payment.

To bypass this interruption, add Tempo as a registered or bill payee. If you do this your bank is more likely to confirm Tempo’s bank details match their records.

How to add Tempo as a registered payee

Step 1

Open your online banking account.

Step 2

Go to ‘Make a payment’ or ‘Add payee’ (may differ depending on your bank).

Step 3.

Search for Tempo as a registered payee.

Step 4

Enter the following details:

  • Your unique goal reference code in the reference field
  • Your last name in the particulars field

Entering the reference and your last name for your payment is important. It means we can match your payment to your Tempo account. The unique goal reference code can be found in a goal when you tap the ‘Put money in’ button.

Step 5

Match your payment details to your goal plan i.e. amount and frequency of payment.

Step 6

Save as a recurring payment.

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