What does this update mean for me if I invest in Tempo without advice?

You’ll now be able to invest several new funds:

  • Global Quality Fund
  • Global Value Fund
  • Global Growth Fund
  • Global Sustainability Fund
  • Climate Change Fund

We believe these new funds offer better options in global equities. We’re also excited to now be offering actively managed investment options across all different investment types. 

We also intend to close some of the current funds at a later date, as we believe the new funds are improvements which offer a better balance of risk and return in global equities and ESG thematic funds. 

We’ll give you plenty of notice before this change happens.

How do I add one of the new funds to my self-created fund mix?

Tap on your goal, select "My fund mix" then "Change fund mix". Choose the "Create your own" option to select and then add one, or more, of our new funds.

Please note: the original global funds will no longer be available to select, unless you're currently investing in them.

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